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  • "An instant coffee that tastes like a pour over you'd get in a specialty cafe"
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2 A revolutionary new brewing method
3 Freeze-dried in small batches

Designed by原点ss加速器 and a Stanford Engineer. 


Umeko Motoyoshi fine tunes each step to bring the best traits out of every coffee we release.

Ethical, Small Farm Coffee
No Additives, Just Coffee
Fair Wage Supply Chain


"A surprisingly pleasant aroma and a mature, fruity sweetness"

"Full bodied, almost caramel-y without any bitterness to speak of" 

"So clean and elegant you get all the floral notes in a coffee"



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Thoughtfully designed for your convenience.

Mixes on Ice
Monthly Deliveries
Recyclable Packaging
A New Coffee Each Quarter

Crafted to turn your coffee breaks into moments of bliss.


"Delicious and perfectly consistent every single time."

Clay Ostrom
Los Angeles, CA

"It is truly the best Cup of Joe I may have ever tasted!"

Shannon Coutros
Long Branch, NJ

"A convenient 'coffee experience' with exceptional service"

David Protz

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Treat yourself to an amazing coffee break.

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